With the near constant production of goods, shipping labels have become more and more important with the passing of time. After all, the year of 2016 alone saw factories in the United States making well over $5 trillion worth of goods. In the years that have followed us since, this number has truly only continued to climb and to climb with the passage of time.
But what is prompting the creation of so many goods? In many cases, it can be very much tied back to e-commerce. E-commerce alone has grown tremendously over the course of time. Thanks to e-commerce, shopping has become easier than ever before, so longer as you have some form of an internet connection. Because of e-commerce, the demand for a wide array of goods is higher than ever, something that has been hugely beneficial to various industries not just throughout the United States but all throughout the world on a very global scale as well.
The industry of shipping is one such place where this can be clearly seen. After all, well over 15 million different packages are handled by the USPS on a single day. In the course of that same year of 2016, as many as 65 billion parcels made their way all around the world. Again, this is a number that has only been on the rise, increasing even in the few short years between 2016 and now. With so many orders being shipped all around the world, the organization of such shipments has had to be better than ever as well.
For instance, the use of assorted color coding labels has become an absolute must for many shipping companies on a global scale. These assorted color coding labels can make shipments a breeze – and can make it much less likely that something goes wrong with any given shipment. Of course, the benefits of these assorted color coding labels is only extended by the actual diversity that such assorted color coding labels can come in. Assorted color coding labels come with a considerable amount of variety, ranging from round printable labels to small colored dot stickers made in America. Heavy duty colored adhesive tape can even also fall into the category of assorted color coding labels used not just here in the United States but truly all throughout the rest of the world as well.
The use of assorted color coding labels is not just for shipping, though said assorted color coding labels will certainly be beneficial in this realm, as has been noted above. Assorted color coding labels can also be ideal in the typical grocery store as well, as assorted color coding labels can be used both for sorting and advertising. After all, color recognition actually plays quite the huge role in how we purchase things – and why. And this is something that the research conducted on the subject more than fully backs up, to say the very least. This research – and the data gathered from it – shows that brand recognition will increase by more than three quarters (by as much as a full 80%, to be just a bit more specific) when the proper use of color is implemented. After all, it has also been found that as many as a full 85% of all shoppers will actually buy something directly because of its color.
The use of color for branding is critical, but assorted color coding labels can be used by the store itself as well. After all, your average grocery store is actually likely to have up to 20,000 different products inside of it at any given point in time. The use of assorted color coding labels can be quite key here, as the assorted color coding labels in question can make a lot of difference in the ease of organization. And in order for a grocery store to function well, it is quite essential indeed for it to be properly organized at the very least. Assorted color coding labels, ranging from colored price stickers to customized stickers and labels, can make a world of difference in the overall success of this endeavor.