How does your business go about organizing, packaging and distributing its goods? Packaging machines are the unsung heroes of the manufacturing world, as even the smartest and most efficient business won’t get very far without state-of-the-art packaging solutions. Whether it’s overhauling your food packaging equipment or investing in some shrink sleeves, there’s an option for every company and every budget. Many have even leaned toward eco-friendly options, to better save money without sacrificing quality. If you’ve considered investing in packaging machines or simply want to explore the technology available to you, look below to learn more about vacuum pouches and thermoforming techniques.
Industry Demand
Where there’s a demand, there’s a way! Packaging machines are the backbone of companies and small businesses across America and they’ve gone through significant overhauls as technology has continued to advance. With the advent of more complex printing services and more eco-friendly materials alike, packaging solutions have never looked better. Lidding film solutions are a must-have in food and beverage industries, while thermoforming is ideal for construction and engineering solutions. Yet others who sell goods such as books or clothes benefit greatly from shrinkwrapped options.
One of many available manufacturing process, thermoforming involves a combination of plastic and heat to create a variety of subtle molds. They can be trimmed, sculpted and adjusted to peak perfection and are considered ideal for construction, tool creation and much, much more. Similar techniques use thermoforming methods, such as shrink sleeves and vacuum pouches. Look to these if you work in engineering, the medical field or computer-based technology, as they can fit just about any project!
Shrink Sleeves
Similar to thermoforming, shrink sleeves are a fast and flexible way of mass-producing packaged goods. They’re often used for food, medication or drinks, with bright and eye-catching graphics one of their main appeals for companies looking to attract a customer’s eye. An additional bonus is their easy-to-tear material, meaning no frustration for customer and business alike!
Lidding Film
You’d be hardpressed to find a food manufacturing plant that doesn’t use lidding film techniques. Designed to slide on easily while still being a breeze to remove, this technique is prime for maintaining the freshness of food and extending its shelf life as long as possible. Without lidding film, it’s hard to know where the food industry would be today. The FDA, also known as the Food and Drug Administration, has added these as a necessity for freshness and reliability in consumable industries across the country.
Vacuum Pouches
Last, but certainly not least, we have vacuum pouches. Created with an airtight grip, these are perfect for food and fragile items alike. Vacuum pouch machines are used everywhere to prevent items from perishing or being damaged in transport, as their deceptively thin outer layer are remarkably durable to temperature and physical damage alike. If you’re seeking out packaging machines, consider looking into vacuum pouches to keep your goods at the forefront of any shelf they end up on.
Packaging Machines
Choosing the packaging machine that suits your industry is easier than ever before. Even the best goods around won’t get very far if they’re poorly handled in the transport process, after all, and a quality series of shrink sleeves or thermoforming solutions can handle any problems before they even start. Packaging machines do even better when accompanied by additional technology, like food metal detectors, to ensure an even smaller margin for error. With all these options at your fingertips, where do you think you’ll start with improving your business’ inner workings?