Since shipping is one of a businesses biggest expenses, it’s really important to make sure that freight bills are audited and all of the payments are accounted for and that there are no errors. Part of freight auditing is making sure that deliveries are actually made and that the product is in good condition. If there are damages or the freight is not delivered at all, it’s essential to make transportation claims in a timely manner to get the situation sorted out fairly. Here are a few tips for recovering overpaid freight charges due to damage or lost product.
1. Keep the Freight.
One tip is to keep the freight. It might be tempting to get it out of the way because a load of damaged product is going to take up space, but don’t. Make sure you keep it around as proof of the damage, to be able to calculate the cost of the loss, and to ensure that the carrier will give you a refund.
2. Understand the Bill of Lading.
Another tip for easing the process of getting a refund for lost or damaged product is to know what you’re looking at on a bill of lading. A bill of lading is just the detailed list of products delivered, which is usually given to the person who signed for it. If there is something missing from the delivery that is on the bill of lading, it might be a good idea to refuse to sign for it, since your doing so implies that all of the product is there.
3. Outsource Managing Freight Claims.
Another tip for being able to secure refunds from parcel carriers is to outsource the process. There are logistics companies out there that can get parcel service failure refunds and serve other purposes. The process can be a little complicated and making claims is a time-sensitive issue that may be better left to the professionals.
Do you have any questions about making or managing freight claims? Feel free to ask us in the comments section.