When it comes to removing excess groundwater, various dewatering processes have proven to be some of the most popular methods. Dewatering is used on construction sites and excavation sites to dry up soil in areas where water levels are too high. By using dewatering services, it also eco-friendly, as it removes waste and toxics from water.
One such place where dewatering is used is the Everglades, a stretch of land that used to cover nearly 11,000 square miles in South Florida as part of an environmental restoration project. Many erosion management solutions have been offered in the Everglades and Florida’s Legislature has put source control program requirements in place for the Southern Everglades through the Everglades Forever Act.
What exactly is the dewatering process? Essentially it’s a process that separates solid waste from sludge and converts that waste into a filter cake. The cake can then be easily disposed of. This process helps reduce water usage as well as the cost of waste transportation.
For companies that produce a lot of waste on the job, dewatering is an eco-friendly tool and process that helps to reduce that waste. Dewatering services and dewatering companies use modern methods to reduce waste. On a construction site or excavation site, the process is done with careful steps and planning. The company will typically visit a site first to get a sense of what it’s up against and to survey the site. The company may also take a watering sample to access which dewatering method may work best.
Along with erosion control, dewatering might be one of the most important processes undertaken on excavation sites. It is used on sites where water needs to be removed to keep working on a construction deadline. Builders usually use water pumps to get rid of water, but it’s important to pay attention to where water discharge is occurring. When this gets overlooked, erosion and other problems happen and builders are generally instructed to follow water management practices associated with lakes, wetlands and other sources of water.
Dewatering of any kind must be done carefully to avoid soil erosion and it must be discharged from sensible locations. The following things should be considered when choosing a discharge area for dewatering:
- Don’t pump water directly into slopes
- Stop dewatering if an area shows signs of erosion
- Avoid dewatering under heavy rains, since water tends to move slower
- Don’t discharge water tainted with chemical products, oil or grease
- Check local, state or even federal requirements for dewatering in your area
- Get familiar with the water table conditions in your area
- Pay attention to the equipment being used since some pumps can only handle small amounts of water
By using a dewatering system on a construction site or excavation site, water can be removed safely, cleanly and be a great help to the environment.