The Montessori Middle School adventure trips are every seventh and eighth grader’s favorite time of the year. One year Chicago; one year Kansas City; one year Ester Park; one year Winter Park. With only one of these trips a year, each student only goes on a total of two of the trips.
The teachers and other staff who accompany the group can no longer count on their hands, however, the number of trips they have been on. Taking middle school students on a four to five day trip away from their parents is an “adventure,” so the trip is correctly named. While the teachers enjoy most parts of the trip, the supervision and distribution of the daily meds is one of the more challenging parts of the trip.
Luckily, every year the parents bring the medicine to be checked in, more and more students seem to bring in blister package design medication. These are the best medical packaging techniques because they are easy to monitor.
Known as “track and trace pharma,” blister packaging can also be designed with child safe features so only adults can open the packaging. With the dated medical packaging design it is easier to monitor the expiration dates and exact identification of every single pill.
Although “track and trace pharma” was originally designed as a serialization pharmaceutical method that helps the manufacturer, it is also a packaging option that is helpful to customers. Blister packaging companies also offer services like lot number and expiration date printing for quality control purposes.
During all outpatient hospital visits in 2010, doctors ordered or provided 285.1 million prescription drugs. Track and trace pharmaceutical packaging allows nurses and doctors to monitor and control the distribution of these medications. In fact, blister packaging is most commonly used to package unit dose pharmaceuticals in the U.S.
As the pharmaceutical industry continues to develop plastic blister packaging and other packaging options that include bar code printing for identification purposes, they also continue to make these medications more easy to identify and monitor for the patients.
At a new whole person healthcare clinic in Omaha, Nebraska, the fully automated pharmacy is monitored and hand checked by pharmacists, but the track and trace serialisation platform allows for completely individualized prescriptions. If, for example, a patient has three different medications that must be taken every morning, those three pills can be blister packaged together. Instead of opening three bottles every morning, the patient can easily see from the single blister pack that they have taken their correct and complete medications for the day.
The “track and trace pharma” platform is just part of the country’s newest healthcare innovations.