It could be said that the most important asset of any modern American company is not the papers or computers or desks in the office, but the employees, the people. Employees, despite common jokes about being office drones, are real people, and this factors into modern employee retention rates and the hiring process. An office employee is not just a pencil pusher; they are a professional person who will have their own career and personal goals in mind. These workers, if they are well qualified for their jobs and believe that their career goals are being nurtured, are likely to stay within a company for a long to come. Employees don’t just want a paycheck; they want to feel accepted and needed, and they need to know that their networking and skill-building goals can be met in their current workplace. Conversely, workers who are mismatched for their job, unable to nurture their goals, or being harasses or bullied are liable to quit. Managers and HR department heads dread high employee turnover rates, as they can cost a lot of money and lost productivity. Collectively, American companies lose nearly $11 billion each year due to high turnover rates, and over 57% of organizations view employee retention as a problem.
This is where staffing services come in. Employment agencies of all kinds are used across the United States to find the most qualified, skilled, and motivated workers for a job high or low. Senior executive positions, middle-of-the-line workers, and temp workers alike can be found with the help of job placement agencies. An office in Texas, for example, may look for such help with Dallas job agencies or those in Houston or Austin. A manager may search “Dallas Job Agencies” online to get started, and local Dallas job agencies can do a lot of good for companies in their area. What might a business manager expect from Dallas job agencies and beyond?
What a Job Agency Does
Whether a job agency looks for higher-end managers or young temp workers fresh out of college, the basic premise is the same. A job agency will collect profiles of work candidates, and the employees will work hard to match these candidates with local job openings that suit them best. It’s a matter of compatibility, and a number of factors may be weighed for this. A candidate’s educational background (or intended degree if still a college student), work experience (if any), awards and recognition, skills, and even personality will all be used to match candidates with open jobs nearby. This can help save client companies the hassle of hiring someone who turns out to be a poor personal or vocational match for a job opening. Once a candidate is matched to an open job, the client’s in-house HR talent will take over the interviewing and hiring process.
It should be noted that today, social media platforms and other online activity play a large role in many people’s lives, especially for younger adults. Job seekers can get a real head start when they submit their profile to a job agency, but they should keep their online presence in mind. Many modern job agencies and employers check candidates’ social media activity, and some material online may greatly sabotage the candidate’s job-seeking efforts. This may include online material that attacks or harasses previous co-workers, jobs, or employers, for example. A candidate who posts offensive or obscene material, or one who has online evidence of criminal activity, may also find trouble with their job-seeking.
On the Job
What about after a candidate is hired? In some cases, a new hire may be a temp worker, a young and inexperienced worker who needs the skill-building and networking opportunities that only a real office job can offer. Managers will also appreciate how temp workers are paid less than regular employees. Meanwhile, any other worker will need to feel appreciated and valued in the company, and they must have their personal growth needs met. Employees want more than a paycheck; they want a chance to grow as a worker. Therefore, managers can conduct regular, private interviews with employees to check in on their personal growth and satisfaction levels, and adjust the workplace accordingly. Everyday approval and affirmation of value also helps out.