If you’re interested in packaging as a form of advertising and marketing, you are right on track for success in this field. After all, packaging can be ideal for such purposes in a number of different ways. Using packaging well and properly can most certainly help to ensure that many of your products are able to sell – and sell well, for that matter. Even in the modern age where technology is king, there should be no underestimating packaging.
For one thing, there are so many different kinds of it. Valve sealed bags are particularly commonplace, as valve sealed bags can help to make sure that products, especially food products, stay fresher and safer to consume for longer. Of course, however, valve sealed bags are most certainly not the only type of packaging out there. In addition to these valve sealed bags, resealable pouches are also common, serving much of the same role as valve sealed bags do. And in addition to valve sealed bags and resealable pouches alike, everything from vegetable and fruit packaging to organic paper bags to packaging for coffee shops and beyond is regularly utilized. But what role, exactly, does this packaging serve in terms of advertising and marketing?
For one thing, the appearance of packaging, from valve sealed bags to printed vacuum pouches, is immensely important. If you just take a step inside your nearest grocery store, it is likely that you’ll begin to see why. In just one supermarket or grocery store, it is common, after all, for upwards of 20,000 different products to be stored throughout the store. In many cases, depending on a number of factors including the size of the store, even more products than that can be found. This just goes to show how intensely various products must compete against one another for attention. The ability to stand out from the crowd, so to speak, is hugely important indeed when it comes to the overall success of any given product. Therefore, all types of packaging, including valve sealed bags and even spice packaging, must work to be visually interesting.
And putting this effort into the packaging design of valve sealed bags and beyond is something that is quite likely to pay off indeed. As a matter of fact, one can increase overall interest in their brand by as much as a full 30% – very nearly one third, for that matter – simply by focusing more on the product design. In addition to this, you might even get some free social media marketing out of it. This is due to the fact that as many as 40% of all people who see interesting packaging will actually share that packaging on at least one of their social media platforms, if not even more than one. Therefore, simply investing in better packaging for valve sealed bags and beyond can get you free advertising, something that will certainly benefit just about any product, brand, and company out there.
The actual content of the packaging is, of course, also hugely important. After all, more than 80% of all people will base many, if not all, of their purchasing decisions off of what they are able to obtain about the product from the packaging. In addition to this, more than 60% of all consumers also will read each and every word that their food packaging entails. Therefore, including more information on packaging is almost always going to be a better bet than including too little. At the end of the day, packaging is something that people are going to seriously study before deciding which product it is that they should buy, from the nutrition information to the ingredient list to where the product was originally sourced from – for the average consumer of today, it all matters quite a lot indeed.
At the end of the day, there is no denying the critical role that packaging holds here in the United States, and in the years that are ahead of us, this role is only going to grow. From advertising to the conveying of information, there are many important aspects to packaging, more than the average person might even realize – at least at first.