It seems as if everywhere you look everyone is on their phone. No one is talking on it, mind you, but they are all using it in one way or another. Whether they are texting, surfing the internet or trolling on social media, their phones have their attention. In fact, Americans spend twice as much time on their phones socializing, as they do eating. The average person spends almost three hours hobnobbing on their phones.
Therefore, you need an internet marketing firm to help direct this traffic to your website. The first thing internet marketing firms should help you with is web design and how your website is set up. It needs to be both scannable and readable. That is because most people do not want to be bothered reading your site. They want to be able to scan it for things to click on and if they cannot find what they are looking for, move on. However, for those that do stop and read the content quality must be high.
Those involved in small business web design need to also be aware that the sites they set up need to be easy to use without any hindrances. Therefore, while you may want to go flashy, if it stops people from being able to move around your site, do not do it. Furthermore, do not require those that want to peruse your website to have to register first. Chances are, they will click off your site and onto another. Good internet marketing firms will be able to give you this advice and work with you to make your ideas a reality.
Once you website is set up, the best internet marketing firm will then assist you with getting traffic from social media sites. This is important because over 80% of those who responded to an internet poll stated that they find Facebook a good platform for interacting with brands they know. Furthermore, 69% of those surveyed said they ?liked? a brand on Facebook because one or more of their friends had.
However, you need to know how to use the site properly and internet marketing firms know how to do that. For example, internet marketing firms have the research and know that you get more likes after 6 pm Eastern time and more shares after 8 pm. Therefore, that is when you should schedule your content to post. Everyone is home and has had dinner and is now relaxing and scanning social media for the day?s events.
Another thing internet marketing firms can help you with is direct email. This is another important tool you should have in your marketing toolbox because it is considered one of the most cost-effective and easiest ways to direct traffic to your website. Direct email accounted for 30% of transactions in 2012.
When done correctly by an internet marketing firm, your company?s social media presence should work with your direct email campaign to generate customer transactions. This is because social media is considered the go to for customer service and retention while direct email and good web design are more sales focused.