With 3 out of 4 adult drug users currently employed somewhere, your company needs to be certain that you offer proper testing, because drug use can affect your bottom line. With nearly 10 percent of full time employees being drug abusers, having a drug free policy in place is a necessary step to keeping your company successful. This means that creating a drug free program is important to keep your organization legal and successful.
Substance abuse, including alcohol, is a major problem in this country and with 13 million Americans reporting that they have been fired or had a marriage end as a result of their drinking, you need to do your best to keep these people off your payroll. Substance abuse is bad for your organization as not only will it affect your bottom line, but will make other employees uneasy. With proper drug testing Houston companies will have the best chance of weeding out the undesirables from their workforce. A drug free workplace program can also give people the chance to change. You can find great drug testing in Houston that will keep your company safe.
In addition to drug testing, there are also options for DNA testing Houston businesses can offer their employees. If you want to offer discounted DNA testing Houston has the best testing facility for you to work with. By offering discounted DNA testing Houston business owners will be able to provide their employees with one more great benefit.