Every single year there are drilling projects that take place across the globe. Drilling is an industry that is incredibly polarizing amongst people and their political views. Some think that drilling is an essential field of work whereas others believe it is destroying the Earth. However, there is value in drilling that involves installing a conduit.
The process of installing a conduit is a lot like installing and drilling for piping. As a matter of fact, the industry experts believe that they are essentially one in the same. Here are the facts on drilling and implementing a conduit.
Underground boring, underground drilling, and precision directional boring are all ways in which a conduit is placed into the ground. Directional drilling produces twice the amount of oil or gas being extracted. As a result, this is a type of drilling that companies now look to using to enhance what they extract.
Horizontal directional drilling is currently an efficient, safe, cost-effective method for highway bores and is the current industry standard for trenchless technology for bores between 2 and 48-inch diameters and 600 ft to 1800 ft in length. When it comes to drilling it is great to get efficiency and safety when possible because when these jobs go wrong it can be incredibly dangerous.
It is estimated that there are approximately 2.5 million miles of pipelines to transport fuel products from source to market in the United States. Implementing and installing a conduit or series of conduits is just as important as implementing pipelines. As a result, drilling is going to continue to be a strong industry across the globe.
Horizontal directional drilling is generally accomplished in three main phases. First, a pilot hole is drilled along a directional path from one surface point to another. Next, the bore is enlarged to a diameter that will facilitate installation of a pipeline. Lastly, the pipeline is pulled into the hole, creating a continuous segment of pipe underground. This just goes to show how serious drilling contractors work can be!
According to the 2017 Horizontal Directional Drilling Survey, high-density polyethylene pipe is the most common type utilized in the directional drilling market. HDPE is used in approximately 49.7% of projects. This means that nearly half of all projects utilize high-density polyethylene pipe which makes it the most popular kind of pipe.
According to the 2017 Horizontal Directional Drilling Survey, telecommunications installation, driven by the fiber-to-the-premises wave, increased its HDD market to 24.4% in 2017. The global horizontal directional drilling market is expected to reach $14.95 billion by 2022. As this industry continues to be a part of the global business market it is important for there to be developments in efficiency and overall safety!
In Conclusion
Drilling is going to continue whether people like it or not. While some will try to protest it, there is little that can be done to stop drilling from happening. So it is important for engineers and forward thinkers in this industry to grow and help the industry evolve overtime to be safer and more secure for the environment!