If you’re looking to purchase something in the typical grocery store (as most of us do quite frequently, as a matter of fact), you’ll likely be inundated with a large array of packaging. As a matter of fact, it is estimated that the average grocery store is likely to contain as many as 20,000 different products within it at any given point in time. In some cases, the number might even be higher than this, which would be truly impressive indeed, to say the very least on the subject.
These packages cover a wide amount of variety. For instance, the clear pouch bag is popular among various food products, as too are resealable pouches and even printed vacuum pouches, among others. Every type of packaging has its place, though something like a clear pouch isn’t ideal for all products just as organic paper bags won’t work for everything that needs to be sold in the typical grocery store. No matter what the packaging, however, it is clear that all kinds of packaging can be essential for the purposes of marketing and advertising.
For instance, many people base their purchasing decisions off of the appearance of a packaging, from the clear pouch bag to even the spice packaging most commonly seen for spices of all kinds and qualities. After all, the data that has been gathered on the subject is more than in support of this claim. This data shows that more than 65% of all consumers in the United States alone have tried out a new product simply because the packaging for it was particularly eye catching and drew them in. This alone shows the power of packaging as an advertising and marketing tool, but it has also been found that a nearly one third jump in consumer interest can jump when a brand decides to focus more on their packaging. There is no denying the power of this. Even social media can play a role, with nearly half of all Americans (around 40%, to be a bit more exact) stating that they would be likely to make at least one social media post about a product if the packaging it came in was particularly interesting.
Of course, the quality of the packaging matters just as much as the overall appearance of it, as well as its eye-catching factor. This has become particularly important for online orders, which have grown along with the market for e-commerce. Quality of packaging is highly important for such companies who primarily sell products online, as this is primarily how people will interact with the brand. But high quality packaging can really go a long way indeed, with more than half of all people who buy products online saying that they would make repeat purchases from brands if their first purchase was received in high quality packaging. Again, the power of packaging is quite clearly seen.
And the information that is provided on packaging, from the clear pouch to valve sealed bags, matters as well. Food labels are essential – and it is even often illegal to go without them. After all, many people with dietary restrictions, be they lifestyle or allergy based, very much rely on food packaging to find out what foods are safe for them to consume. In addition to this, food labeling can help people to make healthy choices when it comes to the foods that they are consuming, something that is very important indeed. Ultimately, it should come as no real surprise that packaging like the clear pouch bag is becoming more and more popular, as the clear pouch bag allows for the most transparency possible (both literally and figuratively). With more than 80% of all people making many of their purchasing decisions based off of labels, it is clear that such things are hugely important indeed – and likely to remain so in the years that are ahead of us.
The clear pouch bag is an important part of the world of packaging, as is the vegetable and fruit packaging and protein powder bag and even the seasoning packaging. Ultimately, even making a small change, like switching to the use of a clear pouch bag, can help.