Tips to Ensure Construction Safety
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, better known as OSHA, was created to help enforce safety regulations on the job. OSHA actually does regular safety inspections and creates safety regulations for several kinds of occupations. In construction especially, workers are OSHA-compliant, as there are things like crane training courses, construction safety training courses,…
Skilled Sales People are Crucial to Long-Term Success
No matter how great the product or service a company has to offer might be, they will struggle if they are unable to sell it. As a result, owners and managers will put a lot of effort and time towards trying to hire sales people who are both talented and reliable. Geoffrey James goes so…
Getting the Best New Office Furniture
Some would say that furnishing a new office is somewhat akin to punishment when you consider the logistics required, but cheap office furniture can be just as good as contemporary office furniture. Office furniture suppliers will help you plan out your needs and schedule so that you do not have to worry about issues with…
How Marketing Makes a Difference
If you think about the most successful companies and brands around right now, you can usually associate them with a catchy jingle, unique packaging design, or a creative marketing presence. If a product or service isn’t attractive to potential customers, they’re going to walk away and find something that looks better. With that said, having…
Two Important Things to Know About Short Sales
Did you know that approximately 13% of houses in the United States are vacant? However, since the housing recession took place in the late 2000s, home sales are beginning to increase again. In fact, the United States Census Bureau reports that between 2012 and 2013, home sales in the U.S. increased by 16.4%. Buying your…
What the Best Human Resources Management Solutions and Software Can Do For Your Business
Whether you’re in charge of just a few employees or several thousand, you know that it can be difficult to track all of your employees’ information. Great human resources management is an invaluable tool in keeping up with the hiring, placement, payroll, and personal information of your employees. In order to track this data as…
Don’t Be the Next Target; Protect POS Data
A point of sale (POS) security breach compromised 40 million Target customers’ bank accounts just a few months ago. Target and consumer banks are still picking up the pieces of the massive hack. “Security experts believe hackers had access to the point-of-sale data, which means they either accessed the terminals where customers swiped credit cards…
Implementing Water Cooling Tower Systems
Whether you are looking at cooling water towers for complex petrochemical applications or to manage building systems, you can find one that fits your specific needs. Cooling tower systems can range in size from mammoth hyperboloid fixtures that rise 200 meters down to a minuscule roof top units that integrate into HVAC systems. Regardless of…
Find the Right Cooling Tower For Your Building
If you own a small building, you will not need to get a large industrial-sized cooling tower for your HVAC system. A small cooling tower will probably do the trick. These towers are used remove heat and send this waste process heat into the atmosphere, and a small cooling tower, or a couple of them,…