Good news, coffee drinkers. New research shows coffee may have even more health benefits than previously thought. According to a new study, “coffee consumption could decrease the risk of cirrhosis–a scarring of the liver that can hinder the organ’s function,” Science World Report reveals. “Findings showed that drinking two more ‘cups of joe’ a day could help to reduce the risk of death from this health problem by up to 66 percent.”
Drinking Coffee Beats Cirrhosis
A new study published in medical journal Hepatology concludes that drinking at least two cups of coffee per day decreases death risks from cirrhosis by up to 66%! Many are shocked — and pleasantly surprised — by the findings, especially considering cirrhosis is “the 11th cause of death in America, which killed almost 32,000 people in 2010,” according to Examiner.com. A study in The New England Journal of Medicine, Business Insider continues, suggests that drinking coffee may help prolong life. “The researchers found a small but significant inverse association between coffee drinking and mortality. In other words: The more coffee people drank, the likelier they were to still be alive when the study ended,” the study said. Forbes adds that moderate coffee consumption — or brewing two to four cups per day — may also lower risks of heart disease and mental deterioration (and conditions such as dementia) as we age.
More Ways to Enjoy Your Morning Cup of Coffee
With all of the potential health benefits, consumers should feel more than welcome to drink up — and thanks to new small business opportunities, people all over the world are able to indulge in their favorite brew a little more easily. For example, mobile cafe franchises — or mobile coffee vans — bring coffee conferences, corporate events, and festivals. Some kiosks also offer a quick and convenient means of grabbing a cup of coffee before work.
Go ahead, and reap all of the benefits of drinking coffee. New research suggests that it is is okay — and probably beneficial — to make the trip to a mobile cafe franchise for that extra cup of joe.