Here in the United States, donating to charities for wounded soldiers is quite commonplace. After all, these charities for wounded soldiers are quite widespread throughout the country now, and it is likely that you’ll be able to find a number of charities for wounded soldiers no matter where it might be that you live. And these charities for wounded soldiers are ideal to donate to for a number of reasons, form helping disabled veterans and helping families in need to reducing the overall amount of waste you produce.
This is due to the fact that charities for wounded soldiers actually often accept used clothing donations. And donations of clothing are something that just about every single person out there is able to give. After all, the average person here in the United States now owns double the articles of clothing than the average person would have owned even just a couple of decades ago. And where the average American woman of 100 years ago or so would have had, on average, around nine total outfits, the average woman of today now owns at least 30 outfits, meaning that she has one new outfit for just about every single day of the month. There is certainly no denying the fact that this can be hugely detrimental to the typical home, leading to a good deal of clutter all throughout.
Therefore, donating used clothing to charities for wounded soldiers and the like can be beneficial for the person donating as well. Parting with various articles of clothing can be difficult to do, but assessing what you really need – and what you really wear – can help. For instance, anyone who lives in a climate with only one to two seasons should be wearing all of their clothing at least once over a period of six months. If this is not the case, it might be time to consider letting some of your clothing go.
Of course, getting rid of your old clothing can help to make your home a more enjoyable place to be, but the value of charitable donations is great in comparison to simply throwing this clothing away. After all, waste is a growing problem here in the United States and already the average person will throw away as many as 70 pounds of textiles over the course of a single year. Of these textiles, up to 10 pounds are made up of old clothing.
And, at the end of the day, there is really no excuse to throw things away, as the vast majority of all textiles – very close to 100% of them – can be recycled in some way, even if they are not used for their originally intended purpose. Though only around 45% of all donated clothing are actually worn again, this does not mean that you shouldn’t donate the clothing that you have that is in less than stellar condition. Such clothing and textiles, after all, can be repurposed in many different ways, such as for factory rags in industrial settings. In addition to this, textiles can also be used as the stuffing for various pieces of furniture, giving them a chance at a new life in a way that many people would be surprised to realize.
And, already, the impact we have made by donating and recycling old textiles and articles of clothing has been quite impressive indeed – though we should always be striving, of course, to keep improving as much as we possibly can. For still, there are up to ten and a half million tons being sent to the landfill on a yearly basis, though up to four and a half billion pounds of clothing are kept from going into landfills thanks to more people buying used clothing and donating their used articles of clothing than ever before.
At the end of the day, there are a great many reasons to donate your clothing instead of simply throwing it away. From helping charities for wounded soldiers to helping to protect our environment, there are many great and impressive benefits to making used clothing donations in America.