On this day when it seems the whole nation is celebrating mothers it is apporproiate to remember that there are many children who do not have a mother to celebrate. Some of these children live with a mother who is not the kind of nurturing person that is celebrated on Hallmark cards and some of these children have never known their mother at all. It is on days like this when it is important to remember that while many of us are celebrating with the moms who have given us the world, there are children in need of clothing, and some who are in need of food and shelter as well.
Sometimes when we are feeling the most loved or the most grateful it is important to take a step back and see what it is that we can do to help those who are far less fortunate. From children who are separated from the mothers who are deployed to children who will never have a chance to live with their biological mothers, there are many ways that we can fill in the gaps. We may not be able to physically take the place of a mother, but we can find our what are the best charities to donate to help children in need of clothing, food, and other important necessities.
Local Clothing Donations Can Help Many Families Prepare for the Beginning of Summer
As the school year comes to an end in most districts throughout the country it may come as no surprise that there are a number of families who will be struggling to find the affordable day care that they need. For families where both parents work, summer can be a challenging time. When those of us with so much make the decision to help those who have so little we can help bridge the challenging gap that many families face.
As many families are dealing with stretching their budgets to cover extra child care costs, there are many who simply do not have enough funds to help their growing children the clothing that they need. For this reason, making textile donations to groups that help children in need of clothing is a kind and smart decision. In addition to clearing your closet and dresser from clothes that you are no longer wearing to making sure that your unworn textiles are not going to the landfill, it can help families who are looking for a little extra help.
The average American buys at least twice as many pieces of clothing as 20 years ago, so it should come as no surprise that there are many of us who have closets full of things that we no longer wear.