Author: Gina

  • The Purpose of Offshore Support Vessel Companies

    There are actually many uses for offshore support vessel companies. When most people think about offshore support vessel companies, they may think of cruise ships or yacht liners that transport people during their vacations. However, many larger cruise ships are actually used for support and for the transportation of many different shipping items. They may…

  • Tips for the Safe Use of Tractors

    Two of the largest industries in the United States are construction and agriculture. The market share for the American construction industry makes it the second largest market on the planet. It employs nearly eight million people nationwide. The agriculture industry is active in all 50 states. The United States is the world’s third largest food…

  • 5 Ways to Boost Business With an Attractive LED Sign

    Having an appealing outdoor sign is essential to attracting foot traffic to your front door. Here is how you can bring in new business with an LED sign. Keep the text short and sweet. People who are driving and walking by your sign will only have a few seconds to read it. If they cannot…

  • How Aerial Advertising Can Help Your Grow Your Brand

    You want to spread the word about your business or a new product or service you are about to launch. What is the best way to do that? Have you considered plane banners? They have been around since the 1920s and few advertising methods are as cost effective. Plane banners and skytyping services can be…

  • Digital or Traditional? Deciding how to Do Your Marketing

    When it comes to advertising your business, you have a number of choices. You can use more traditional methods, such as direct mail, radio and TV, print publications and billboards or you can go with electronic methods, which include websites, blogs email campaigns and social media. Both types of advertising have advantages and disadvantages. One…

  • 4 Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses

    In this day in age, it seems that everyone has a social media account. From your grandmother to your dog, everyone is able to be connected via the Internet from all over the globe. And for a small business, digital marketing through social media can be a powerful tool to help grow your company. Here…

  • The Top 5 Reasons Why Fabric and Custom Canvas Banners Are so Effective

    These days, businesses have an array of tools at their disposal that can help them get the word out about the products and services they have to offer. And although a great deal of emphasis is placed on increasing online presence through digital marketing, this shouldn’t be used to completely replace or do away with…

  • The Top 4 Things to Keep in Mind When Designing Custom Hanging Aisle Signs

    Most consumers don’t have the time, expertise, or knowledge to determine what is effective signage and what isn’t, especially when it comes to custom hanging aisle signs. In fact, a lot of customers don’t even pay much if any attention to the custom printed items strategically placed all over the interiors of their favorite stores…

  • Three Ways to Keep Your Pet Healthy

    It’s easy to forget things. For many people, each week is filled with a new set of tasks, events, and surprises that all compete for space in our minds, which are simply trying to keep track of it all. In just the past week, statistics show that 39% of Americans have either lost an everyday…

  • Put It Through the Shredder! The Best Way to Keep Your Personal Information Safe

    Privacy is something that is harder and harder to find in today’s world, especially as we becoming increasingly tethered to our phones and other devices. However, there’s another aspect to privacy that we might not even be thinking about. For just a minute, think about all the documents you sign and put your personal information…